World Heroes Perfect - 1995
World Heroes Perfect
MVS - 1995 - Fighting
There is a lot of bad blood about World Heroes, mainly because it was the most transparent rip off of SFII, and it and Robopon for the GBC probably still stand as the most blatant copying of a product ever done by main stream players in the video game market. However, much like Fatal Fury, World Heroes final installment is actually a really amazing game that strides the playstyles of heavy knock-up and rushdown combos like Marvel and the more rock-paper-scissors footsies and cross ups style of mainline street fighter.
The deviations happened around the time that Turbo became a thing. World Heroes sped up the speed at which basic moves and projectiles worked but not the walk speeds of characters. Characters are instead classed into three speed categories which can be called glacially slow, arthritic cripple and speedy toddler. This means three main things: Any character with a dash is extremely strong, their Dhalsim ripoff is the best character in the game, and footsies are really strong. Basic gameplay is pretty similar to SF4, you throw a lot of fireballs to zone out enemies (much like some SNK games fireballs have priorities so some will break others) launch a lot of long range footsies to chip away then go in for the kill. Cross ups aren't as good as they are in SF because almost every character has really strong anti air. I don't think this was intentional, I just think ADK are lazy and though everyone needed strong uppercuts. Besides Robot Nazi Brocken, other very strong characters include Totally not Hulk Hogan Muscle Power (he's sort of a scrubby character who beats new players and inexperienced people really easily, like Chip in Guilty Gear), Football Guy (crazy rushdowns), Bruce Lee (like five times faster than any other character) and Captain Kid (crazy zoning). All of the characters are pretty balanced, but Brocken is by far the best, not as good as he was in previous games but still pretty bad.
The game also has an assload of infinities which is where the Marvel comparison comes in. If you are caught slipping you will get comboed down hard. Especially by people like the Football Dude who has an intense full bar damaging combo he can pull that involves throwing thirty or so footballs into your body and then ballerina spinning on your soon-to-be corpse.
Also it has some psuedo wave dashing stuff in it!
Here's a video of a pretty recent tournament, the guy playing Captain Kid in the first match has the wavedash shit down perfectly and does some really wicked fast transitions from fireball to footsies to fireball.